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Exporting & Importing in Porto & northern Portugal

The PortugalWorks team is led by Charlie Cutler, who is British but has lived in Portugal since 1998 and works for some different export businesses, including Carvalho Custom (a custom cycling & triathlon clothing business), CorkLink (a cork supplier) and PortoEvents (an events organizer for Porto and the surrounding region and HiddenPortugal (a hub for tourism information for rural Portugal). PortugalWorks is a partnership with Infeira Lda, a consultancy company, with a range of in house consultants and 25 years of experience working with Portuguese and international clients in a broad range of businesses, specializing in investments in northern Portugal.

We can help your company to sell your products in Portugal, finding clients or a distributor or we can help you to set up your production or distribution facility. Using our connections from 25 years of working in the Portuguese small and medium sized business community we can help you to penetrate the Portuguese market.

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Our Services

Textile Sourcing

Textile Sourcing

Textile Sourcing

Textile Sourcing

Textile Sourcing

Textile Sourcing

Our Latest News

Why you might need a clothing sourcing agent in Portugal

Clothing sourcing agents sometimes get a bad press - are they just parasites living off the hard work of factories who actually produce the clothing or do we have a genuine contribution to make in making the whole process of sourcing clothing from overseas a more...

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Handmade accessories, including tiaras

We have done some work recently on making some truly stunning tiaras and other accessories for some premium brands. Whilst we would not share here the work we do for our clients, we produced some of our own examples to demonstrate the kind of tiaras and other...

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Fine needlework, embroidery & handmade accessories

Whilst the mass-market for clothing, footwear and accessories is clearly going strong with the unstoppable rise of fast fashion and single-wear outfits there is a parallel trend which is for durability, uniqueness and handmade quality. Here at PortugalWorks, we have...

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Evolution of textile and leather sourcing from Portugal

The Portuguese textile sector was worth around €4.9 billion and leather €200 million in 2021 and both have been growing sales over the last decade or so. But these raw numbers do not tell the real story of the changes that have been going on in both sectors. As...

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